Here's a detailed Game of Thrones family tree for the major noble houses:


House Targaryen

    Aerys II (The Mad King) + Rhaella
          Rhaegar Targaryen (Married Elia Martell; later Lyanna Stark)
                     Rhaenys Targaryen (Daughter with Elia)
                     Aegon Targaryen (Son with Elia, killed as a baby)
                     Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen) (Son with Lyanna Stark, raised as Ned’s bastard)
          Viserys Targaryen (Killed by Khal Drogo)
          Daenerys Targaryen (The last Targaryen claimant)


House Stark

   Rickard Stark
             Brandon Stark (Killed by Aerys II)
             Eddard (Ned) Stark + Catelyn Stark (née Tully)
                      Robb Stark (King in the North, married Talisa, killed at Red Wedding)
                      Sansa Stark (Married Tyrion Lannister, later Queen in the North)
                      Arya Stark (Trained as an assassin, traveled west of Westeros)
                      Bran Stark (Became the Three-Eyed Raven and later King of Westeros)
                      Rickon Stark (Killed by Ramsay Bolton)
             Benjen Stark (Joined Night’s Watch, later became undead)


House Lannister

      Tytos Lannister
            Tywin Lannister + Joanna Lannister
                    Jaime Lannister (Had a secret incestuous relationship with Cersei)
                    Cersei Lannister + Robert Baratheon (Secretly had children with Jaime)
                           Joffrey Baratheon (Cruel king, poisoned)
                           Myrcella Baratheon (Poisoned in Dorne)
                           Tommen Baratheon (Became king, committed suicide)
                 Tyrion Lannister (Outcast, became Hand of the King)

House Baratheon

     Steffon Baratheon
            Robert Baratheon + Cersei Lannister
                    Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen (not truly his children)
            Stannis Baratheon + Selyse Florent
                    Shireen Baratheon (Burned alive by Melisandre)
            Renly Baratheon + Margaery Tyrell (Claimed the throne, killed by shadow assassin)


House Greyjoy

     Balon Greyjoy
              Theon Greyjoy (Raised by Starks, became Reek, later redeemed himself)
              Yara Greyjoy (Became ruler of the Iron Islands)


House Tyrell

      Mace Tyrell
            Margaery Tyrell (Married Renly, Joffrey, and Tommen; killed in wildfire explosion)
            Loras Tyrell (Knight, captured, died in wildfire explosion)


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