Game of Thrones" is known for its intricate family trees and interwoven noble lineages. Based on A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, the story follows powerful families fighting for control over the Iron Throne. This article explores the major houses and their family trees, tracing their lineage, alliances, and conflicts.

1. House Targaryen: The Dragonlords of Westeros

House Targaryen was one of the last surviving Valyrian families, ruling Westeros for nearly 300 years before Robert’s Rebellion.

Key Members of the Targaryen Family Tree:

Aegon the Conqueror (1st King of Westeros)

├── Rhaenys Targaryen
├── Visenya Targaryen (Mother of Maegor the Cruel)

├── Daenerys Targaryen (Mother of Dragons)
├── Rhaegar Targaryen (Jon Snow’s Father)

├── Jon Snow / Aegon Targaryen (Secret Heir to the Iron Throne)

🔹 Notable Targaryens:

  • Mad King Aerys II (Last official Targaryen king)
  • Rhaegar Targaryen (Killed by Robert Baratheon)
  • Viserys Targaryen (Killed by Khal Drogo)
  • Daenerys Targaryen (Last Targaryen ruler, killed by Jon Snow)

2. House Stark: The Kings in the North

House Stark is one of the oldest noble families, tracing its lineage back to the First Men and Bran the Builder.

Key Members of the Stark Family Tree:

Eddard Stark (Lord of Winterfell) + Catelyn Stark

├── Robb Stark (King in the North, killed at Red Wedding)
├── Sansa Stark (Queen in the North)
├── Arya Stark (Explorer and Assassin)
├── Bran Stark (Three-Eyed Raven, King of the Six Kingdoms)
├── Rickon Stark (Killed by Ramsay Bolton)

├── Jon Snow / Aegon Targaryen (Raised as a Stark, true Targaryen heir)

🔹 Notable Starks:

  • Lyanna Stark (Secretly married Rhaegar Targaryen, mother of Jon Snow)
  • Benjen Stark (First Ranger of the Night’s Watch)
  • Brandon Stark (Killed by Mad King Aerys)

3. House Lannister: The Lions of Westeros

House Lannister is one of the richest and most powerful families, ruling Casterly Rock.

Key Members of the Lannister Family Tree:

Tywin Lannister (Head of House) + Joanna Lannister

├── Jaime Lannister (Kingslayer, Cersei’s lover)
├── Cersei Lannister (Queen, mother of Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen)
├── Tyrion Lannister (Hand of the King, survived the series)

🔹 Notable Lannisters:

  • Joffrey Baratheon (Cruel king, actually Jaime and Cersei’s son)
  • Tommen Baratheon (Youngest king, suicide after Cersei’s destruction of the Sept)
  • Kevan Lannister (Tywin’s brother, Hand of the King, killed by Varys)

4. House Baratheon: The Stags of Storm’s End

House Baratheon ruled after Robert’s Rebellion, but their claim was weakened by the revelation that Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella were not true Baratheons.

Key Members of the Baratheon Family Tree:

Steffon Baratheon (Father of Robert, Stannis, Renly)

├── Robert Baratheon (Usurper King, killed by a boar)

├── Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen (Actually Jaime Lannister’s children)

├── Stannis Baratheon (Rightful heir after Robert, killed by Brienne)

├── Renly Baratheon (Youngest brother, killed by Melisandre’s shadow)

├── Gendry Baratheon (Robert’s bastard, legitimized by Daenerys)

🔹 Notable Baratheons:

  • Shireen Baratheon (Stannis’ daughter, burned alive by Melisandre)
  • Gendry Baratheon (Blacksmith turned lord of Storm’s End)

5. House Greyjoy: The Ironborn Lords of Pyke

House Greyjoy follows the Old Way, living by the words “We Do Not Sow.”

Key Members of the Greyjoy Family Tree:

Balon Greyjoy (Lord of the Iron Islands)

├── Theon Greyjoy (Raised by Starks, tortured by Ramsay Bolton)
├── Yara Greyjoy (Rightful ruler of the Iron Islands)
├── Euron Greyjoy (Mad pirate king, killed by Jaime Lannister)

🔹 Notable Greyjoys:

  • Victarion Greyjoy (Not in the TV series, but important in books)

6. House Tully: The Riverlords

House Tully is one of the major houses of the Riverlands, but they were sidelined during the war.

Key Members of the Tully Family Tree:

Hoster Tully (Lord of Riverrun)

├── Catelyn Stark (Married Eddard Stark, mother of Stark children)
├── Lysa Arryn (Married Jon Arryn, controlled the Vale)
├── Edmure Tully (Last surviving heir, briefly Lord of Riverrun)

🔹 Notable Tullys:

  • Brynden ‘Blackfish’ Tully (Stubborn warrior, refused to surrender Riverrun)

7. House Martell: The Rulers of Dorne

House Martell ruled Dorne, known for its fierce independence and unique customs.

Key Members of the Martell Family Tree:

Doran Martell (Prince of Dorne)

├── Oberyn Martell (Killed by the Mountain in combat)
├── Elia Martell (Married Rhaegar Targaryen, killed during Robert’s Rebellion)
├── Trystane Martell (Briefly engaged to Myrcella Baratheon)

🔹 Notable Martells:

  • Sand Snakes (Oberyn’s warrior daughters, all killed in the series)

Final Thoughts: The Legacy of These Families

The Game of Thrones family trees show a history of war, betrayal, alliances, and power struggles. Some houses, like Stark and Targaryen, endured and evolved, while others, like Martell and Baratheon, faded into history.

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